Philemon 1:25 – Verse of the Day 8/25/13
This verse is the concluding statement of the book of Philemon. In this letter, Paul communicates his desire that Philemon would treat his slave Onesimus not only as a servant but as a brother in Christ. We are all equally recipients of God’s grace, regardless of our personal status or station in life, and Paul expects that Philemon will treat Onesimus accordingly. Therefore this concluding statement is quite appropriate for its emphasis upon the grace of God.
As you pray, thank the Lord for His remarkable grace. We do not deserve to be forgiven for our willful disobedience towards our loving Father, and He has not only forgiven us but given us communion with Himself by uniting us to Christ. Pray that you would be willing to share the same grace towards others that God has lavished upon us.
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