Philippians 2:3 – Verse of the Day 6/17/14
If you actually think deeply about this verse, you will begin to see just how shocking it really is. What does it mean to do nothing selfishly? What does it mean to count others as more significant than us? Why would we do something like that?
Of course, what the passage goes on to say is that this is exactly what Jesus has done for us. The reason is because he loves us. Although fully God, Jesus made himself nothing, taking on the nature of a human being in order to suffer death on the cross. He did this to restore our unity with God. Our unity with God was restored by Jesus’s act of self-sacrifice.
As you pray, consider for a moment that God himself took on our human nature in order to earn our salvation. Consider the great cost that Jesus undertook in order to carry the burden of our sin. Just as Jesus’s love for us restored our unity with God, it also ought to restore our unity with our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. Ask the Lord to give you the same humility and desire to serve others as your loving Savior has demonstrated in serving you.
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