Philippians 4:8 – Verse of the Day 5/31/13
This verse concludes a series of exhortations Paul made to the Philippian church. Apparently, there were still conflicts and difficulties in the community there (4:2-3) in spite of the overall spiritual health of the congregation (1:3-8). Paul is convinced of the practical nature of Christian belief and practice (4:9), and he believes that by focusing on God and His will the believers there would not only find peace with one another but with God as well (4:7).
In a world that tends to affirm many “truths” rather than the “Truth,” it is tempting for us as Christians to follow the assumptions of the world in which we live. Yet Paul instructs us that there is truth, that God has revealed it, and He wants us to believe and reflect upon it. Spend some time in prayer thanking God for revealing truth to us in His word, and ask for the strength and humility to believe and follow it.
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