Proverbs 22:6 Verse of the Day 10/2/14

Proverbs 22:6 Verse of the Day

People always say it is hard for an old dog to learn new tricks, but what does that really mean? The point is that the things we learn when we are young have a way of sticking with us, and this is obviously not just true of dogs.

This proverb speaks to this same idea, and it comes from a section of the proverbs intended for young people. Therefore, rather than serving primarily as a promise to parents, this verse is probably better understood as a reminder for young people themselves not to forget the (good) teachings with which they were raised. Nevertheless it can easily serve as a reminder for all who trust in Christ – parents and young people alike – to remember and be grateful for their Christian training.

As this verse leads you to pray, at the same time allow it to lead you to be grateful for the Christian nurture that God has already given you and also to give you a desire to grow more deeply. Pray that God would continue to teach you each day in order that you will be prepared to face life’s daily trials.

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