Proverbs 9:10 – Verse of the Day 8/3/13
Proverbs 9 consists of three sections that contrast wisdom and folly. In the first section (9:1-6) wisdom is portrayed as the hostess of a beautiful house and a wonderful banquet, and in the last section (9:13-18) folly is portrayed as a temptress who invites her guests to a dinner party that seems sumptuous but in reality is shared with the dead. These two sections are separated by a middle section in which a Father gives advice to his sons about distinguishing between true wisdom, and the folly the superficially appears attractive but in reality leads to death. This verse lies at the core of this middle section and reminds us that he fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.
Because we live in a world that values pleasure and the trivial, concepts such as “fear of the Lord” and “knowledge of the Holy one” are not always as attractive to us as they ought to be. Spend some time in prayer asking the Lord to orient your desires to truth and wisdom rather than what is superficial and fleeting. As you pray consider practical ways in which you might more faithfully seek to understand and fear the loving God who longs to give us understanding.
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