Psalm 119:165 – Verse of the Day 10/6/2014
One of the primary differences between “wisdom” and “knowledge” is that knowledge can mean the awareness of cold, hard facts, but wisdom refers to a personal application of those facts. There is a difference between knowing that something is true and wisely putting that knowledge into practice.
This verse comes from the second to last stanza of Psalm 119’s magnificent tribute to the Law of God. Here the psalmist assumes an overwhelmingly personal tone. In this stanza, his “heart trembles” at the law, its promises cause him to “rejoice,” it is a motivation to praise, and here in this verse it is a source of peace and stability. It is because the psalmist wisely trusts in the peace of the Lord that he longs to obey the Lord by putting his beliefs into practice.
If you do not know Jesus, the Law is a curse, but to those with faith it is the way to true life. It is a blessing from God and the way to satisfaction. Our attitude to God’s law is a good barometer for the state of our own hearts. Spend some time in prayer thanking God for the gift of His Law and asking for a heart that loves it, seeks peace in it, and takes stability from it.
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