Psalm 133:1 Verse of the Day 11/19/13
Psalm 133 is a song of ascent, sung by the people of Israel as they traveled together to Jerusalem to worship the Lord. Although brief, it offers several wonderful images of the benefits that come from offering worship to God. One of the chief benefits of true worship is that it brings unity to those who participate together. As we orient our hearts to God we are necessarily oriented to one another.
As you pray, ask the Lord to help you grow in knowledge and wisdom so that you can worship the Lord as He desires. Pray that you would take seriously the Old Testament scriptures that depict the dire consequences of false worship, and that you would have confidence to approach God that comes through placing your trust in Jesus, our great High Priest (Hebrews 4:14-16). Pray that the Lord would bring unity to the body of Christ as he brings us together in worship.
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