Psalm 19:14 – Verse of the Day 10/18/14

Psalm 19:14 Verse of the Day

Do you think it is possible to enjoy something if God doesn’t enjoy it? If God is perfect and all His ways are truth, then surely whatever pleasure comes from disobeying Him must be a false pleasure. It may feel good for a moment, but the moment quickly passes and we know that disobeying God only leads to misery.

Psalm 19 is a song of praise and thanksgiving to God for the gifts of his creation and Law. The first half is about God and his desires, and the second half is about us and our needs. This verse brings both halves together in a simple prayer. Our words and thoughts are pleasing to the Lord when they are firmly grounded in His truth. When we seek pleasure by disobeying God, such pleasure never truly satisfies. Only God can satisfy.

As you spend some time in prayer, allow this verse to shape how you pray. Ask the Lord to make your words and thoughts pleasing to Him. Ask the Lord to increase your knowledge and understanding of His word, and to give you a heart that longs to spend the time necessary to grow in that knowledge.

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