Psalm 2:11 – Verse of the Day 10/21/13
Psalm 2 is a kingship psalm. While most of the kingship psalms in the psalter focus on either the coronation of a human king or upon the nature of God’s divine kingship, Psalm 2 emphasizes both. It is one of the most frequently quoted psalms in the New Testament, where the authors highlight that Jesus was simultaneously the son of David and the Son of God. This verse is spoken as a command to earthly kings to recognize the Lord as the one true King of kings.
The Lord is King, and He calls us to rejoice in His name. As you pray, consider how vast and complex our world is and the fact that nothing happens outside the direction of God’s holy rule. What a powerful and amazing God we serve. Give Him thanks and praise that He not only created this world with His words, but He created you as well and calls you by name.
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