Psalm 32:11 – Verse of the Day 9/15/13
Psalm 32 is a song of repentance and thanksgiving. David boldly sings of the blessings of God’s forgiveness for those who repent (verses 1-2), and recounts extensively his need for and experience of repentance for his sin (verses 3-5). The second half of the Psalm extols the wisdom of repentance and the blessings of deliverance for those who confess their sins to God. Finally, this verse offers a fitting climax and conclusion as David cries out in praise to the God who saved him and exhorts his fellow believers to do so as well.
According to the Bible, we experience life most fully when we acknowledge most honestly the extent of our sin and its deathly consequences. Even though we deserve death for our rejection of God, he has forgiven us in order to give us life! Spend some time in prayer openly and boldly repenting of your sin in general and in particular. Thank God that he has forgiven your sins through Christ’s sacrifice for you, and give Him praise!
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