Psalm 35:9 – Verse of the Day 1/1/15
We live in a world full of conflict. It is hard enough to get along with our family members, much less with those who are more distant. The Bible recognizes the reality of the conflict we experience and it points us to Jesus as the one who promises eternal peace.
This verse comes from a psalm of lament. David felt threatened on every side and he cried out to the Lord asking for protection. When David felt threatened by earthly enemies he cried out to God to save him not only from them, but spiritual forces of evil as well. David trusted God to save him and he rejoiced in the hope of salvation – even in the face of very difficult circumstances.
Do you rejoice in all circumstances, or do you feel like to do so in the midst of trouble would seem fake or forced? Do you ever think about how your earthly difficulties relate to spiritual realities? Spend some time asking God to help you make this connection so that your response to difficulty and conflict will be similar to David’s rejoicing. Thank your heavenly Father for the sacrificial work of Jesus to make your rejoicing possible.
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