Psalm 51:8 – Verse of the Day 4/30/13
Psalm 51 is David’s song of repentance after committing adultery with Bathsheba. David acknowledges God’s righteousness and justice and appeals to God’s mercy for forgiveness. Rather than asking God to take away all the consequences for his sin, David asks God to use those consequences for restoration and renewal. David asks for the strength to face God’s discipline with joy and thanksgiving.
Sometimes it is tempting to take our forgiveness for granted and to expect there will be no consequences for our disobedience. The Bible does not call us to ignore our sin but to respond with gratitude to God for His forgiveness. It calls us to long for and even rejoice when we experience God’s discipline, for it is a sign of His love for us. Spend some time in prayer, thanking God for forgiveness from specific sins and asking Him to give you the strength to grow from His discipline.
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