Psalm 7:9 – Verse of the Day 2/4/14
Psalm 7 is a song of lament. The author was surrounded by enemies and falsely accused of wrongdoing, and he cried out to God to hear and vindicate him. Here the psalmist cries out for God’s justice, appealing to him to judge the wicked and establish the righteous. Our righteousness is a gift that we receive through faith in our risen Savior, and so we too can sing this psalm, appealing to God to vindicate us eternally on the basis of Jesus’ perfect life and death in our place.
No one is righteous apart from Jesus, for God’s standard of righteousness is perfection. Praise God that in spite of our imperfection and unrighteousness God sees us as righteousness because we have been united to our perfect savior and received the garments of his perfection. Thank the Lord for giving us everything when we deserved judgment. Ask the Lord to help you to respond to his grace as you seek to grow in your life as a Christian.
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