Psalm 73:26 – Verse of the Day 9/16/14
Have you ever exercised to the point where your body just could not go any further? Have you ever been so tired that you just could not keep yourself awake? If so, you have a sense of the body’s limitations. These limitations are just a foretaste of the fact that your earthly body will not last forever, because the ultimate limitation on our physical existence is that our bodies will one day die as a consequence of sin.
Yet for those who have faith in Christ, this earthly death is not the final answer. Through Jesus our sins are forgiven and we have the hope of the resurrection of our bodies, eternal strength, and a portion that includes life in the presence of God forever. You do not need to fear the failure of your earthly body, because God promises us an eternal life that is much better than anything we have now.
As you pray, ask the Lord to help you to value your eternal life with Him above all else. Pray that as you focus your hope on heaven that He will help you to live for faithfully in the present. Thank God for the peace and security you have as a result of His promises to you.
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