Psalm 95:1 – Verse of the Day 6/15/13
Psalm 95 is one of the more joyful songs of praise in the entire psalter. Interestingly, the end of the Psalm takes on a more sober tone as the author offers a warning to listen to God’s voice and obey him. This structure actually reflects a common tendency in the Bible to ground our obedience in the worship of God. Therefore our “songs of praise” ought to be exuberant “joyful noise” that leads us to pour over the scriptures seeking to understand and obey God’s commands.
It is easy for us to forget the Bible’s encouragement to praise God freely and in all things. Spend some time worshipping the God who not only created you, but loved you enough to save you. As you worship, consider how you might serve this loving and merciful Father who has saved you for his good purposes.
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