Revelation 3:20 – Verse of the Day 6/30/13
In order to understand this verse, it is important to see how it relates to the immediately preceding statement in verse 19: “Those whom I love I rebuke and discipline. So be earnest and repent.” Therefore, when Jesus stands at the door and knocks, this is not a call to conversion but rather an invitation to renewal through repentance. While salvation is a pure gift from God, our growth as Christians involves not only God’s grace but also our response to it.
God does not cease to love us when we fall into sin, but instead he knocks on our door persistently to remind us of his love for us and to call us to repent and follow Him. As you spend time in prayer, thank God for his relentless pursuit. Confess your sins to Him and ask not only for forgiveness but also to renew your heart and desire to follow Him. Most of all, be grateful for the forgiveness and loving discipline that is ours in Christ.
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