Romans 10:17 Verse of the Day 10/27/13
In Romans 9-11, Paul considers God’s faithfulness to the Jewish people in the Old Testament, and asks whether the blame for their rejection of Christ was God’s or their own. In the middle of chapter 10, Paul explains that faith comes from hearing the Gospel message, and that even in the Old Testament the promise of forgiveness through God’s Messiah was clearly proclaimed in Israel. God faithfully calls His covenant people to hear His word and believe.
While God clearly announced forgiveness in the Old Testament, that message is even more readily understandable after the coming of Jesus. Pray that the Lord would give you a soft heart, ready to hear the Gospel message of forgiveness through faith in Jesus. Pray that you would willingly repent of your sin and seek forgiveness through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus for your sake. Thank God that He not only has made that provision, but that He has also called you to hear and believe it!
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