Romans 12:12 – Verse of the Day 4/10/13
In Chapter 12 of Romans, Paul describes how Christians should live “in view of God’s mercy” (Romans 12:1). Serving others as a means of serving God is a major theme of this section, and here in verse 12 Paul emphasizes the way in which individual hope, patience and prayer benefit the Christian community as a whole. Our own hope in Jesus, our response to life’s trials, and our faithfulness in prayer are not only appropriate responses to God for what He has done for us, but they are the most powerful way for us to build up one another in faith.
Spend a few moments in prayer thanking God for the amazing eternal hope that we have through our salvation in Jesus. Ask God to make you patient in troubles and constant in prayer. Pray that he would use these aspects of your worship even now to be a practical encouragement to others.
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