Titus 1:2 – Verse of the Day 4/22/14
Some of the most amazing things about the Christian faith are those that are the most difficult to understand. We struggle just to wrap our minds around them. How is it that God is all-powerful? What does that mean? What does it mean for God to be present everywhere all the time? What does it mean for God to be infinite or eternal? Can you imagine what eternity is like?
One reason it is helpful to think about these things is that even though we can’t fully understand them, they help to put our every day lives in perspective. When we think about God’s infinite presence it helps us to see how silly it is to live like He is not there with us. When we think about God’s eternal existence it helps us to see that it makes no sense for us to despair when life’s difficulties seem like they will never end. They will end, and in the space of eternity we won’t even be able to remember them!
Spend some time thanking God for the gift of eternal life and the hope we have in the promises of the one who loves us and does not lie. Ask the Lord to help you trust Him today and tomorrow because of these wonderful promises
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