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Teaching Our Kids to be Kind

Today was our first day back to school. My son was nervous to begin 4th grade. New kids, a new teacher, a different schedule, and harder work all made for a bit of a nervous tummy today. I assured him …

Facing Our Own Fiery Furnace

Most of us learned the story of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego when we were children. The story goes that King Nebuchadnezzar built a huge golden statue of himself and commanded the people to bow down and worship him. The punishment …

Thy Will Be Done…

Saying the Lord’s Prayer can sometimes be rather rote. We’ve memorized it. We’ve taught it to our children. We even have beautiful musical compositions based on it. But when was the last time you took the time to really think …

Teaching Our Kids What It Means to be Patriotic

As we get ready to celebrate the 4th of July–Our Independence Day–symbols of our freedom are everywhere! Red, white and blue decorate our homes, as we proudly show off pride in being American. What does patriotism mean to you? Words …