Welcome to the What's in the Bible? Character Gallery

He Chose…Wisely

When I was in grade school I remember picking up a copy of King Solomon’s Mines in our school’s library.  I didn’t borrow the book, but I remember the cover vividly.  It had a mysterious looking cave, filled with precious …

DVD 5: Solomon Asks for Wisdom

CAP’N PETE So what did he ask for? A submarine? SUNDAY SCHOOL LADY No, he didn’t ask for a submarine. CHUCK WAGGIN I bet he asked to be rich – or famous! That’s what most kings want! SUNDAY SCHOOL LADY Yes, that …

DVD 3: What does ‘holy’ mean?

SUNDAY SCHOOL LADY We’ve already gone through Genesis and Exodus. The next book is called Leviticus! Leviticus picks up right where Exodus left off – with even MORE instructions on how to be holy. So what does the word “holy” mean? …

DVD 3: Numbers Overview

SUNDAY SCHOOL LADY What’s the 4th book of the Bible? Genesis… Exodus… Leviticus… Numbers! Numbers? Why would they name a book “Numbers?” Well, because it starts out with a big list of numbers. If you remember, Leviticus is a big …

Volume 2: What Is Salvation?

BUCK DENVER New words! We’ve got new words! Sunday School Lady! What’s the word?!? SUNDAY SCHOOL LADY All right Magic Flannelgraph, how about a drum roll? Our first new word is…“Salvation!” I bet you’ve heard this word before. But do you really …

DVD 2: What Is a Patriarch?

SUNDAY SCHOOL LADY Primeval history was the first 11 chapters of Genesis. The rest of Genesis is “Patriarchal History.” Pastor Paul – what is a “patriarch?” IAN I know this one! CLIVE Ian, what are you doing? IAN I know this …