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Curriculum Volume 4 Scope & Sequence

What’s in the Bible? Church Edition Volume 4: Battle for the Promised Land [Joshua, Judges & Ruth]

In Volume 4: Battle for the Promised Land [Joshua, Judges & Ruth], you will watch the Israelites finally make it to the Promised Land. Learn why they have so many battles once they are there, like the famous battle of Jericho. Buck Denver and his friends introduce the Historical Books and the judges, and Chester Whigget tells the Bible’s great love story – Ruth and Boaz!

Volume 4 contains 4 weeks of lessons.

Week 1: The children will learn the names of the Historical Books and hear stories from Joshua Part 1.

Week 2: The children will hear stories from Joshua Part 2 and learn about the 12 tribes of Israel.

Week 3: The children will hear stories from the book of Judges, and learn about the cycle of apostasy.

Week 4: The children will review the stories of the Judges, and hear stories from the book of Ruth.

Element Focus Content
Video 1 Welcome Custom Welcome Video: Cap'n Pete helps Buck Denver deliver the news in this fun video.
Small Group 1 Relationship Building Kids deliver their own pirate news using pirate words.
Video 2 Learn: Historical Books Lively video that introduces the Historical Books.
Small Group 2 Parachute Oye! Take Home craft that has kids building their own tissue-parachutes to review the Historical Books.
Video 3 Learn: Joshua Part 1 This video introduces the story of Joshua and the Israelites crossing the Jordan River to enter the Promised Land.
Small Group 3 Art MashUp Art project that has each small group recreate the Jordan River crossing with a variety of art supplies.
Video 4 Bible What's It? Trivia Time! Game that reviews the day's lessons.
Small Group 4 Bible What's It? and Recap Recap! This is a time to review the day's lessons, and reflect and pray before ending class.
Element Focus Content
Video 1 Welcome Custom Welcome Video: Cap'n Pete helps Buck deliver the news!
Small Group 1 Relationship Building Kids make their own 3-cornered pirate hats to wear while they deliver their own news.
Video 2 Learn: Second Section of Joshua This video answers a tricky question about the book of Joshua - why did the Israelites have to kill so many people to enter the Promised Land?
Small Group 2 Tricky Bits Trivia Limbo A fun, active limbo game that gets kids up and moving while they answer trivia questions about Joshua.
Video 3 Learn: Joshua Part 3 Sunday School Lady explains what happens after the Israelites secure the Promised Land - they divide it into 12 parts!
Small Group 3 Jumpin' Around Joshua Game A backwards puzzle game in which kids collect cards for answering questions about the tribes of Israel.
Video 4 Bible What's It? Trivia Time! Game that reviews the day's lessons.
Small Group 4 Bible What's It? and Recap Recap! This is a time to review the day's lessons, and reflect and pray before ending class.
Element Focus Content
Video 1 Welcome Custom Welcome Video: Buck Denver gets some help from Cap'n Pete, a true treasure!
Small Group 1 Relationship Building Each child shares their favorite treasure (or person) from the past week.
Video 2 Learn: Judges This video introduces the 12 judges of Israel and includes a special musical performance by the Fabulous Bentley Brothers!
Small Group 2 What Judge Am I? An active game that has the children ask questions to figure out which judge is which!
Video 3 Learn: Judges Continued Cap'n Pete explains the Cycle of Apostasy with a song you won't forget!
Small Group 3 The Cycle of Apostasy This board game has the children answer questions about the book of Judges to move around the board.
Video 4 Bible What's It? Trivia Time! Game that reviews the day's lessons.
Small Group 4 Bible What's It? and Recap This is a time to review the day's lessons, and reflect and pray before ending class.
Element Focus Content
Video 1 Welcome Custom Welcome Video: Cap'n Pete and Buck Denver give the news headlines together.
Small Group 1 Relationship Building Each child makes their own treasure map to share about an adventure from the week!
Video 2 Review: Judges A review video about the book of Judges.
Small Group 2 Who's the Boss Basketball Toss An active Bible search game that encourages kids to look in their Bibles to find the answers to questions that earn them paper basketballs to toss.
Video 3 Learn: Ruth Chester Whigget's Popsicle Stick Theater presents the Story of Ruth like you've never seen it before!
Small Group 3 Create Your Own Popsicle Stick Theater The children recreate the story of Ruth with their own popsicle stick puppets.
Video 4 Bible What's It? Trivia Time! Game that reviews the day's lessons.
Small Group 4 Bible What's It? and Recap Recap! This is a time to review the day's lessons, and reflect and pray before ending class.