Guarding the Hearts and Minds of Our Children

The iconic Bible character Samson was a man of great faith!  No, really…he started out that way.  He was obviously a man of great strength–Annihilating the entire Philistine army with the jaw bone of a donkey!  God had big plans for this man! Do you think that as a young man Samson ever thought it possible that a beautiful woman would someday seduce him, betray him, and ultimately derail God’s plans for his life?

Like Samson, God has a plan for each of our children.  It’s up to us, at the many different stages in their lives, to remind them to guard their hearts against anything or anyone that the enemy might throw in their paths that will take them off course from God’s purpose.

As parents we need to remind our kids–sometimes over and over– that they have gifts and talents that God has bestowed on them for His Kingdom.  We must pray for guidance so that we can help direct their footsteps along the way, but at the same time not hinder God’s plan even in our own enthusiasm.

We are reminded that Samson did little to guard his heart.  He was not led by the Spirit, but by the flesh.  It’s never too early to teach our kids, by example, to be mindful of what influences our mind as well as our emotions.

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