For all its fluffy, gushy hoopla, Valentine’s Day is a significant day. Sure, the card/flowers/candy companies have inflated it more than a little, but Valentine’s Day is not merely sentimental. If you’re like me, the day is a mile marker …
Everyone’s talking about body image. Whether it’s in the context of bullying, healthy lifestyles vs. unhealthy lifestyles, or the ever-present marketing campaigns which depict beauty to be only attainable for those who buy into a particular program or product. I …
Stress, worry, fear. All of these emotions can be debilitating. Are you the husband and father who feels the pressure of financially providing for your family, and fearful of the way the economy is heading? What if you lose …
Talking to your kids about being thankful is a great exercise for adults because it helps us not take the basics for granted. When you ask your kids what they’re thankful for and they say food, a home, clothes, health, …
No inter-human relationship is more basic than that between parent and child. God thought the child /parent relationship important enough to make the fifth Commandment all about honoring that relationship, and then promises a blessing to those who follow this …
By Sharon Hodde Miller “Are sharks mean guys?” My three year-old son is in the middle of a big superhero phase. Every day this month, I have either played the part of Wonder Woman or “Mommy Incredible Hulk,” while he …