The new Christians were persecuted for their faith – sometimes they were arrested, or their houses were taken away! The book of Hebrews was written as an encouragement to Christians, and we can also be encouraged by its message today. …
Here’s a free coloring page download to help your kids learn about faith! Hebrews 11:1 says: “Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.” In What’s In The Bible? Volume 13: God’s Kingdom …
Phil, Buck and friends summarize what they’ve learned about the whole Bible – from Genesis to Revelation – and explain what it means for us today. Learn more about What’s in the Bible? in Volumes 1-13 – the complete Bible …
Phil, Buck and friends explore all of the symbols in Revelation – from lampstands, to a lion, to a lamb, to a dragon, stars, hail-stones, earthquakes, locusts, and even numbers! Then Sunday School Lady and Cap’n Pete sing about the …
Phil, Buck and friends introduce Revelation – one of the most complicated books of the Bible. Why should we pay attention to Revelation when many choose to skip it? Revelation contains key symbols that reveal how our story will end! …
Phil Vischer, Buck Denver and friends navigate the book of 1st John to understand how growing towards Jesus and sanctification requires true teaching, true living, and true loving. From Volume 13: God’s Kingdom Comes! (General Epistles and Revelation) – available …