1 John 4:16 – Advent Verse of the Day 12/22/13
This verse marks a subtle transition, as John moves from a reflection on the love displayed in God’s own Trinitarian being to a reflection on how His love is displayed as He dwells in us. Because God is one God in three persons, interpersonal love is a part of His very nature, and we participate in that love because of the fellowship we have with the Father as the Son dwells in us through the Holy Spirit. God proved his love for us by the incarnation of Jesus. God himself took on flesh so that we could know Him and have fellowship with Him, and so we never need to fear that we will lose His love.
Although God has shown great love for us, when life is difficult or when sin seems attractive we easily forget His love. As you remember that God Himself took on flesh in the person of Jesus in order to live and die for us, pray that you would never forget how much God loves you. Pray that God would enable you to remember His love for you when you face temptation and difficulty. Pray that you would rest in the God who loves you enough to die in order for you to experience His love.
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