1 Peter 3:15 – Verse of the Day 1/29/14
In the second half of his letter, Peter encourages his readers to pursue humility and peace with others, both Christians and unbelievers. He focuses on how Christians should respond to persecution, and he exhorts us to a life of service as we suffer for our beliefs. In the midst of his encouragement to suffer well, he challenges us in this verse to always be prepared to give our reasons for our hope in Christ, and to do so with humility and winsomeness. Our eternal hope should make us secure in sharing that hope with others.
Are you bold in sharing your faith? Do you rejoice when you experience persecution? Do you see it as an opportunity to grow and proclaim God’s message of salvation to those who see your ability to persevere and take notice? Spend some time in prayer asking the Lord to give you the strength to endure persecution for your faith and the desire to share your hope with others.
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