1 Peter 3:8 – Verse of the Day 7/12/13
This verse concludes Peter’s discussion of the obligations of Christian relationships. The principles of sympathy, love, tenderheartedness, and humility apply to all human interactions, and especially to close relationships. These characteristics give further emphasis to the central instructions about mutual submission that forms one of the central themes of the letter (2:13-17, 2:18-21, 3:1-7). As Christians we are called to love one another by submitting ourselves to one another.
Jesus is actually Peter’s most striking example of submission, for he submitted to the will of the Father as well as the earthly authorities that put him to death. He submitted himself to death on the cross for our sake. Spend some time in prayer thanking God for this gift, and asking God to enable you to love your brothers in sisters in Christ by assuming the same spirit.
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