1 Peter 4:8 – Verse of the Day 6/27/14
Many wise Christians have pointed out that if we do not fully appreciate our sin, we cannot really appreciate the amazing nature of God’s forgiveness. If you don’t appreciate your debt, it is really hard to be grateful when your debt is cleared!
This verse calls us to forgive one another just as God has forgiven us. This can be incredibly hard to do, especially when we feel very hurt. The only way for us to forgive others when they hurt us is to remember how much it hurt Jesus so that we might be forgiven.
Spend a few moments reflecting on the pain and suffering that Jesus experienced for us on the cross. Ask the Lord to give you the same heart of forgiveness for others that Jesus has for you. Consider specific areas where you feel hurt by others and God is calling you to forgive them. Ask the Lord for the willingness and the strength to do so.
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