2 Corinthians 12:9 – Verse of the Day 3/9/14

2 Corinthians 12:9 Verse of the Day

One of the central themes of 2 Corinthians relates to the ironic nature of Christian strength. True Christian strength comes not from power, but from weakness that forces us to rely not on ourselves but on Jesus. In 2 Corinthians 12:1-10, Paul boasts not in his own strength, but in his weakness that demonstrates that the spread of the Gospel is the work of God and not his own doing. We can only experience the power of Christ when we realize how truly weak we are apart from His work in us.

Until we are finally united to Christ in heaven, we will always be tempted to take the credit for our good works, and we will always desire recognition from others. Ask the Lord to forgive you for this sinful desire and to help you long for His glory rather than your own. Ask the Lord to make you strong by recognizing your won weakness and by seeking His glory rather than your own.

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