Acts 16:34 – Verse of the Day 1/2/15
Can you imagine how it would feel to be thrown into unfairly? How would you feel? Would you still be able to trust God? Would you think of it as an opportunity to tell others about Jesus?
In Acts 16, Paul and Silas were thrown in prison for preaching the Gospel. How did they respond? They spent the night praying and singing hymns, and in the middle of the night there was an earthquake so violent that the doors of the prison were thrown open and the prisoner’s chains were broken. According to Roman law, if prisoners escaped from jail the jailor was to die in their place, so imagine how the jailor felt when he discovered the open cell doors. Then imagine his confusion and relief when he found the prisoners calmly sitting in their cells waiting to tell him the good news about Jesus. His joy is understandable; he not only kept his earthly life but gained an eternal one!
Unlike the jailor, we are often tempted to take our salvation for granted. Spend some time reflecting on what it truly means to have crossed over from death to life, to receive salvation and eternal peace when we were dead in our sins. Praise God joyfully for this wonderful gift.
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