Acts 2:42 – Verse of the Day 5/6/14

Acts 2:42 Verse of the Day

When it comes to practicing a skill, it always helps to have others around you to help you get better. Advice from experts, coaches, and teachers can be helpful. Learning from the mistakes and successes of others can be useful too. Even with individual activities or sports, it is still encouraging to have others around who enjoy doing the same things you do. In these and many other ways, we learn and develop best when we are in the presence of others.

Therefore, it is not surprising that the book of Acts portrays Christian growth in much the same way. Our individual spiritual growth is not merely something that happens on our own, but the Bible encourages us to look to other Christians in the body of Christ to help us grow. This verse highlights the early church’s devotion to the four indispensible parts of the church’s ministry as the heart of Christian growth and encouragement: teaching, the breaking of bread (sacraments), fellowship, and the prayers (worship).

As you pray, thank God for the gift of the body of Christ. Pray that you would be encouraged by your time with other Christians in worship, and that you would be an encouragement to them as well.

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