Colossians 1:13-14 – Verse of the Day 8/20/14
When you were little, where there any words or phrases that were hard for you to say? For some there are certain sounds that are hard to make. For others it is hard to remember the difference between the past, present, and future. Interestingly, the Bible has concepts about time that are equally hard for us to grasp.
In this verse Paul says that we have already been delivered from darkness. Since we were delivered in the past, we know live in the kingdom of his beloved Son. As a result we can be sure our sins are forgiven because God has redeemed them. Yet, as we all know, we still experience trouble and temptation in this life as we await the life to come in the future. In other words, we have been delivered from the kingdom of darkness, we are now members of the kingdom of God, and this kingdom is one full of hope for the future.
As you pray, spend some time thinking about the stark contrast the Bible makes between the kingdom of darkness and the Kingdom of God. Praise God that he loved us so much that he forgives our sin and makes us members of His eternal Kingdom. Ask the Lord to help you to live in a way that reflects this membership.
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