Colossians 1:9 – Verse of the Day 10/10/14
When was the last time you received some really good news? One of the funny things about good news is that it always makes us hope for more good news. We hope that the future will also have good things in store for us.
Paul wrote this verse after he received some good news about the people in one of the churches. He was excited to hear that they had grown in faith, and his excitement led him to pray that they would grow even more. One thing we can learn from Paul’s pray is that all growth in faith depends upon the Lord. Knowledge, wisdom, and understanding are gifts that God gives us, and so we should ask God to give them to us and to others.
Spend some time in prayer, thanking God not only for saving you, but for helping you to grow in faith. Think of specific ways that God has changed your desires and your actions, and thank God for His work in you. Think of other areas that need further growth, and ask the Lord to help you grow in those areas as well. Thank the Lord for the gift of His salvation, and pray that He would continue to give you more and more knowledge, wisdom, and understanding; finally, pray that you would increasingly live according to those gifts.
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