Ephesians 2:8 – Verse of the Day 4/13/14
What is the best present you ever received? What made it so special? One of the things that makes us appreciate presents and gifts so much is that we don’t do anything to deserve them and we don’t have to pay for them. Gifts wouldn’t be nearly so great if we had to pay for our own!
Are you ever tempted to think that your faith is something that you earned or deserved? What makes you different from those who do not possess faith? We are all tempted at times to think that our faith is our own work, or that the reason that we believe is because we are just a little bit smarter, or a little more humble, or maybe just a little bit more hard working.
This verse brings those kinds of thoughts to a screeching halt, because it teaches us so clearly that even our faith is a gift of God’s grace. There is nothing we could do to earn God’s love. If we trust Him, it is because He gave us the gift of being able to do it. Spend some time in prayer thanking God for the wonderful gift of eternal life through faith in Him.
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