Hebrews 12:2 – Verse of the Day 4/26/13
Following close on the heels of the examples of Old Testament faithfulness, Hebrews 12 takes up the theme of suffering as a form of “Godly discipline.” Here, Jesus, is the ultimate sufferer. Crucifixion was such a shameful form of execution that it could only be used to put to death non-Roman citizens, and the Old Testament associated being “hung on a tree” with being cursed. Jesus is the author and perfecter of our faith because he embraced this curse that was meant for us and endured it for our sake.
Consider that Jesus Christ, God’s only son, endured the curse of the cross in our place. As you pray, give God thanks for Jesus’ willful suffering. Ask Him for the strength, desire, and opportunity to suffer for the faith – what a dangerous thing to ask!
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