Hebrews 4:12 – Verse of the Day 5/25/13

This verse is part of the climactic conclusion of the author of Hebrew’s consideration of this history of redemption. The author begins with creation (4:3), describes the faithlessness of the people of Israel in the desert (4:6), God’s faithfulness to his covenant with David, and concludes by looking forward to the future eternal rest prefigured by the Sabbath (4:9-11). In Hebrews 4:12 the point is that the Word of God distinguishes between truth and falsehood, between sin an righteousness in each of these situations and times.

God’s word is constant and trustworthy. It is a guide to the truth, and it convicts us of our sin. Spend some time in prayer thanking God that “nothing is hidden from God’s sight” (4:13) and that he has revealed this vision to us in the Bible. Ask God for the faith to trust His word, to believe its teaching, and for the desire to follow its commands.

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