Isaiah 30:29 – Verse of the Day 7/15/14
There are many good reasons to celebrate anniversaries, major historic events, and accomplishments. These celebrations give us the opportunity to express our joy around shared memories and successes. Sharing joy together brings us together and unites us around shared past and future goals. Can you remember a celebration in your own life that brought joy and unity in this way?
While much of the book of Isaiah focuses on God’s judgment on Israel and the nations that rejected God, this verse focuses on a future hope and celebration. Because God is faithful, the people of Israel could look forward to a time of feasting and song in the presence of their Savior. According to Isaiah, the Lord’s people will one day rejoice, not because of anything they have earned, but because of the Lord’s faithfulness to His covenant promises.
God is faithful to His promises and He is worthy of our trust. Ask the Lord to make you patient as you experience life’s ups and downs, as you struggle with sin, and when you experience hardship. Ask Him to help you to remember the eternal celebration that is promised to all those who have faith in Jesus. Praise the Lord with gladness in your heart because of what He has done for us!
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