John 13:34 – Verse of the Day 6/11/14
How do the New Testament and Old Testament talk about God’s law? Sometimes people will say that the Old Testament is legalistic while the New Testament is more focused on grace, but is that really true? This verse helps us to see that there is Law and there is Gospel throughout the whole Bible. You could even say that the laws Jesus gave are the hardest laws to follow. This verse is certainly one of those!
Jesus has lavished his love on us by living and dying for us in order to save us from our sin and restore our relationship with our Heavenly Father. Pray that this love you have received from Jesus would enable you to love your brothers and sisters in Christ, and pray that your relationships with other Christians would be changed as a result.
Most importantly, when you struggle to love others, allow your failures to remind you of your need for a savior. Remember that God loves you perfectly and that Jesus has fulfilled the Law in order that you might be forgiven. Be grateful for the love of God and ask the Lord to help you to love others in response.
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