Matthew 11:29 – Verse of the Day 4/2/13
Jesus frequently utilized agricultural imagery to make a powerful point. In this verse he likens the burden of the law to the heavy yoke of a plow bearing down upon the back of an ox. Whereas God intended salvation to be by grace and through faith, the people of Israel instead sought salvation in reliance upon their own ability to keep the law. They had turned a gift into a curse, and made the easy path of grace a heaven burden. Here Jesus calls his people to rely upon Him in order to find rest.
Do you see God’s law as a heavy burden or a blessing? Spend some time thanking God for the perfect life of Jesus, the one who fulfilled the requirements of the Law in our place. Thank him for the forgiveness of sin and ask Him to give you a love for His commands – not as a means to salvation but as the best guide to a full life.
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