Philippians 2:4 – Verse of the Day 7/20/13
This verse is the crucial point of connection between the first four verses of Philippians 2, which exhort us to follow Christ’s example, and verses 6-11, which describe the wondrous work of Christ for us. Just as Christ took on flesh, lived, suffered, and died on our behalf, we are to live selflessly out of gratitude for what he has done for us. Christian unity can only come when we live for one another rather than ourselves (verse 2).
Although we know that we are to live for others, we very often live solely for ourselves. Spend some time in prayer asking God to forgive you for specific examples of selfishness in your own life. As you pray, ask the Lord not only to forgive you, but to give you a grateful heart that longs to serve others just as Christ has served us.
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