Psalm 107:31 – Verse of the Day 7/28/13
Psalm 107 opens the fifth and final “book” of the Psalms. Its first four stanzas recount the Lord’s deliverance of his people from a variety of forms of distress, and its final two speak of the Lord’s judgment and blessing. This verse comes towards the end of the fourth stanza, and serves as the climax for the Psalm’s account of deliverance. The Lord’s love is steadfast and his works are wondrous, and God is deserving of our trust and praise.
In the Bible and in our own lives, God demonstrates his love to us time and again through his provision for our needs. Most significantly, he has provided the ultimate sacrifice for our sin in the person and work of Jesus. Spend some time in prayer thanking God for his wonderful love and provision for all your needs.
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