Psalm 119:105 – Verse of the Day 10/17/14
The curious thing about light is that it is not just something you can see, but it is what makes it possible for you to see other things. Light helps you to see the world around you as it really is. Without the light you cannot see anything.
The Bible frequently uses light to show us how God’s wisdom works. The word of God is like the light because it helps us to see the truth. This verse is from a section of Psalm 119 that teaches us that following God is the only path to true satisfaction. It tells us that God’s word is a comfort to those who are tempted by Satan to follow a different path. God’s word helps us to see the difference between truth and falsehood. One path leads to life, and the other path leads to death.
Spend some time in prayer, thanking the Lord for the gift of His word. God is not hidden from us, but has revealed Himself and His will for how we should live to us. Pray that God would give you the heart to seek Him and to follow this trustworthy and lovingly offered guide.