Psalm 130:7 – Verse of the Day 12/29/13
Psalm 130 is a song of lament in which the psalmist cries out to God in distress. Whereas many if not most of the psalms of lament deal equally with physical as well as spiritual concerns, here the focus is entirely spiritual. The psalmist laments his sin and wonders at how a holy God can respond so patiently to such a sinful people. The Lord is steadfast, and his redemption is available and sufficient for those who believe.
Spend some time in prayer considering the magnitude of the Lord’s forgiveness. Imagine for a moment the sin of all God’s people resting on Jesus, and consider the patience and love of the God who has redeemed you. Give God thanks and praise for the wonderful gift of forgiveness for sin and fellowship with Himself, the God who is love itself.
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