Psalm 143:10 – Verse of the Day 2/15/14
Psalm 143 is a song of repentance. The authors of the New Testament frequently quote its confessions when they explain our sinful human condition and our need for a Savior. For most of the psalm, the psalmist confesses his sin and expresses his absolute need for God’s provision, but in this verse he begins to speak of the goodness of God’s will. The point of this verse is that God not only forgives us from our sin, but he forgives us for a life of righteousness.
Sometimes we fall into the trap of seeing God as merely the source of forgiveness, but God desires to give us much more than forgiveness. Just as he counts us righteous on the basis of Christ’s perfect life of obedience, he also enables us to become righteous by giving us new hearts that long for Him. Pray that God would renew your heart, that He would teach you to do His will, and that He would lead you on the level ground that leads to true satisfaction and joy.
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