Psalm 27:14 – Verse of the Day 12/27/13
Psalm 27 is a song of lament. After expressing his confidence in God, in the second half of the psalm the psalmist asks the Lord to protect him from trouble. The psalm concludes again with another expression of confidence, of which this verse is a part. The psalmist knows he can “wait for the Lord” with a strong heart because of his confidence in God’s goodness (verse 13).
We too can trust in the Lord’s protection, because we have even better reasons than the psalmist for believing in God’s goodness. We have seen Jesus’ sacrifice on our behalf and we know that God loves us so much that His son, fully God himself, paid the ultimate sacrifice for us in order to forgive us for our sin. The God who would do this will surely protect us, so pray that He would help you to trust Him on the basis of the love shown for us in Christ.
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