Psalm 35:9 – Verse of the Day 3/20/13
Psalm 35 is one of David’s psalms of lament. David feels threatened on every side and cries out to the Lord asking for protection. The two primary images in the psalm relate to warfare on the one hand and the courtroom on the other. As David feels the danger from earthly enemies (warfare) he asks God to vindicate him not only from earthly enemies but from spiritual judgment as well (courtroom). David rejoices in this eternal spiritual vindication and takes hope – even rejoices – in the midst of his present difficult circumstances.
Do you rejoice in all circumstances, or do you feel like to do so in the midst of trouble would seem fake or forced? Do you connect your experience and response to life’s events to your eternal spiritual journey? Spend some time asking God to help you make this connection and to allow you to rejoice even in the midst of difficulty. Thank your heavenly Father for the sacrificial work of the Son to make your rejoicing possible.
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