Psalm 63:1 – Verse of the Day 7/7/13
Psalm 63 is a song of lament. Its Hebrew title indicates that David wrote it when he was in the desert of Judah, most likely while he was in hiding from his various enemies. In the midst of those circumstances, David confessed his confidence in God’s mighty protection. He praised God and took comfort in the One who could protect and provide in “a dry and weary land where there is no water.”
While we are called to praise God at all times, it is interesting that some of the most emotionally powerful invitations to praise come from the Psalms where the author cries out from the most difficult circumstances. We should not desire difficulties, but at the same time it should encourage us that God often uses difficult circumstances in order to help us to grow in our faith and maturity. As you pray, ask God to strengthen and prepare you for just such hard times. Cry out and ask Him to save you, and praise Him because He promises to do so.
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