Psalm 80:7 – Verse of the Day 5/17/14
While some people always prefer new things, other people prefer to restore old things. Some people like taking an old house and fixing it up so that keeps its classic character but has the convenience of a modern home. Other people like restoring classic cars. It’s the reason people say things like, “they don’t make ‘em like they used to.”
The beautiful picture of the Bible is one of God making all things new, including His people. Even though we were corrupted by sin, God patiently removes our sin and gradually restores His image in us. He doesn’t destroy us or throw us away, he lovingly and caringly renews us according to the purposes for which he created us.
Like Israel in the Old Testament, we too often sin against our loving God and deserve His judgment. Pray with the Psalmist that God would restore you as He has promised, and that He would not only forgive your sin but continually shape you ever more into His image. Be encouraged by God’s faithfulness to you and His promises for you.
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