Romans 10:10 – Verse of the Day 5/21/13
This verse is situated in the midst of Paul’s long discussion of the role of Israel in the story of salvation. His central point in this verse is that belief and confession of faith in Jesus Christ are both the ordinary means of salvation for Jews and Gentiles alike. In the previous verse confession comes first followed by belief, and in this verse the order is reversed, indicating the importance of both personal faith and public acknowledgment of it. It is important to keep in mind that while faith and confession are the means of salvation, the grounds of salvation is God’s grace alone.
What does it mean to believe and acknowledge “Jesus is Lord?” It is always tempting for us to allow this to become a trivial statement, emptied of any practical significance in our lives. As you pray, consider the ramifications of making this statement – Jesus is LORD! Thank God for the salvation you have in Christ, and consider whether there are aspects of your life that need to be brought in line with such a confession.
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